Yaroslav, you signed up for a summer internship project that will take a lot of your time and effort. This will not be easy. Please set your expectations that there will be a lot of work to do. Please use this page as your science notebook for your summer internship – all your answers, observations, questions, and results – all should be added here on this page (you can add text and post pictures here; using this page will also teach you how to use the WordPress platform).
Please start with internet research regarding the instrument you received by answering the following questions (copy/paste will not work, you will need to perform the internet research using google.com and then write your own answers to the following questions):
Model and name of the instrument: PSS Select G300.
What is it used for? To see things that are too small to see with the naked eye.
Who needs it? Scientists and lab experts.
What parts is it made of? An ocular Lens, a body tube, the arm, 3 or 4 objectives, a revolving nose-piece.
How does it work? Describe in great detail. You look through the ocular part of a microscope you end up looking through the objectives and see the glass piece and the light under shines using the energy and going through the magnifying glass parts.
Were you able to find an instrument manual online? Yes I could find a couple of manuals.
Read the manual. Describe what was clear in the manual and what was confusing. Everything in the manual was clear.
The light bulb doesn’t work so nothing cool.
After you have completed internet research, try to turn on the instrument and see what happens. . You may be missing power cord and/or adapter cables (find out what cords/cables/adapters are missing, find missing part on Amazon or Ebay, and post Amazon/Ebay ( https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Osram-Sylvania-64250-Halogen/dp/B015OTJTUS ). Some instruments been in storage and are very dusty – clean them with Windex spray and paper towels (your parents got a cleaning supplies cabinet somewhere in your house, find it).
Try to operate the instrument using the manual … is it working? Do you need certain supplies to make it work? Find the catalog numbers (from the manual) of the required supplies, where from they are available and post here links of what we need to order. Post here results of your testing, and how do you plan to move forward.
Read the details on what is Histology, how H&E works, how to identify different type of cells and tissue (how different disease cells/tissues look?):
This is your notebook now … write and post answers and pictures below:
When I try to focus the microscope i start seeing something but its really blurry
The pictures above are pictures of the inside.
From Dima: 6/30/2020 update: Yaroslav, check out here if the pictures show up or not: 2020 Yaroslav Mackarevich Summer Internship Project.
From Dima: Yaroslav, good job so far! Please continue. Check out Maria’s progress on a similar project, this will give you good idea what to do next: 2020 Maria Matevosyan Summer Internship Project.
7/26/2020: From Dima: Internship deadline is August 17, 2020. You have 3 weeks left, please note that it will not be possible to add text/data after this date due to the nature of summer internship and associated time limits.
8/15/2020: Internship was not completed by 8/15/2020.